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Song of Albatross, of freedom, of aspiration, of prayer, of a fledging bird that is wandering, hovering and waiting..."that made the bleeze to blow"
Good policies and constitutions are those that support socially valued ends not only by harnessing selfish preferences to public ends but also by evoking, cultivating, and empowering public-spirited motives (Bowles 2008).Bowles S. Policies designed for self-interested citizens may undermine "the moral sentiments": Evidence from economic experiments. Science, 2008, 320: 1605-1609.
If you say that you can't, then I shall reply,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
Oh, Let me know that at least you will try,
Or you'll never be a true love of mine.
One indication of a good professor is their willingness to respond to applicants' inquiries.这是UC Davis的GGE(生态学学生组)提供的申请指南上的一句话,可作万用灵药——凡不回信者,皆非善类,弃之不足惜——阿Q精神世界通用。所以一旦看好了那个教授,只管“妹妹你大胆地往前走”就是了。不过话又说回来,谁也没有回信的义务,如果大家都不回信,还是先检讨一下自己的Email质量为好。另外既然有时间套磁,不如多聊一点儿学术,别把自己当民工卖了。