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What Is a Left-Libertarian?

Now and then, I'm confused with the definition of left and right in politics partly because of the paradoxical CCP official propaganda. Sometimes I took myself as an individualist, while another day I found consistent with egalitarianism. Was I suffering from split personality? So I took the Political Compass questionnaire composed of a long list of questions on a broad spectrum of social and economic topics to check which side I am taking on earth.

The result appears even far clearer than I expected. Read from the diagram below, I am significantly marked with a tag of left-libertarian.

Then what is in deed a left-libertarian or liberal leftist?

Rather than the redundant and boring interpretation, I think the following map could shed more light on this classification.

Besides, there is also a chart of internationally known contemporary leaders on the compass to revive the coordinate.

Comparing my position on the compass with the later two, it is so exciting for me, though not much to surprise, to find myself standing with the Holy Hero Gandhi side by side, as well as Mandela and Dalai Lama, who are all icons on my book. What is more, finding George W Bush well at the other end of the diagonal makes the analysis even more convictive, which is certainly not at odds because the test is not a mystic prophecy but a positivistic generalization.

Can anything else be told from the compass? Yes, a lot. For example, it is obvious that near all the 'successful' political leaders are authoritarians. Why does a dictator always win in the name of democracy? And as to China, most of the puzzling phenomena, including the crazy economic blooming and the crazier social polarization, could be interpreted by the CCP government's translocation across the vertical axis from Stalin to Bush. Unfortunately, it doesn't make me much less uncomfortable, if ever any, as I'm a 'left-libertarian'.




旧友重逢,自然有道不尽的千言万语,从何说起呢?最熟悉的,当然是实验室了!于是半桌子的准PhD们开始逐项讨论实验手册里的技术问题:从ELISA到western,从E. Coli到小白鼠……可惜俺远离这个行业好多年,业务早已生疏,不能完整复述,抱歉抱歉。





所谓PhD,Doctor of Philosophy,哲学博士是也,但恕我眼拙,实在是看不出实验员的哲学在哪里。前些年听过一次普林斯顿大学分子生物系某华人教授的讲演,大体上是要为人生规划指点迷津的意思,可惜表现出的哲学水平实在是对不起PhD的名头,居然还大受追捧……好在该校的生态进化生物学在此之前已经跟分子生物学分家了,还不至于因此污了May爵爷留下的金字招牌。






Framing Science

Matthew C. Nisbet1* and Chris Mooney2

Issues at the intersection of science and politics, such as climate change, evolution, and embryonic stem cell research, receive considerable public attention, which is likely to grow, especially in the United States as the 2008 presidential election heats up. Without misrepresenting scientific information on highly contested issues, scientists must learn to actively "frame" information to make it relevant to different audiences. Some in the scientific community have been receptive to this message (1). However, many scientists retain the well-intentioned belief that, if laypeople better understood technical complexities from news coverage, their viewpoints would be more like scientists', and controversy would subside.

In reality, citizens do not use the news media as scientists assume. Research shows that people are rarely well enough informed or motivated to weigh competing ideas and arguments. Faced with a daily torrent of news, citizens use their value predispositions (such as political or religious beliefs) as perceptual screens, selecting news outlets and Web sites whose outlooks match their own (2). Such screening reduces the choices of what to pay attention to and accept as valid (3).

Figure 1
Frames organize central ideas, defining a controversy to resonate with core values and assumptions. Frames pare down complex issues by giving some aspects greater emphasis. They allow citizens to rapidly identify why an issue matters, who might be responsible, and what should be done (4, 5).

Consider global climate change. With its successive assessment reports summarizing the scientific literature, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has steadily increased its confidence that human-induced greenhouse gas emissions are causing global warming. So if science alone drove public responses, we would expect increasing public confidence in the validity of the science, and decreasing political gridlock.

Despite recent media attention, however, many surveys show major partisan differences on the issue. A Pew survey conducted in January found that 23% of college-educated Republicans think global warming is attributable to human activity, compared with 75% of Democrats (6). Regardless of party affiliation, most Americans rank global warming as less important than over a dozen other issues (6). Much of this reflects the efforts of political operatives and some Republican leaders who have emphasized the frames of either "scientific uncertainty" or "unfair economic burden" (7). In a counter-strategy, environmentalists and some Democratic leaders have framed global warming as a "Pandora's box" of catastrophe; this and news images of polar bears on shrinking ice floes and hurricane devastation have evoked charges of "alarmism" and further battles.

Recently, a coalition of Evangelical leaders have adopted a different strategy, framing the problem of climate change as a matter of religious morality. The business pages tout the economic opportunities from developing innovative technologies for climate change. Complaints about the Bush Administration's interference with communication of climate science have led to a "public accountability" frame that has helped move the issue away from uncertainty to political wrongdoing.

As another example, the scientific theory of evolution has been accepted within the research community for decades. Yet as a debate over "intelligent design" was launched, antievolutionists promoted "scientific uncertainty" and "teach-the-controversy" frames, which scientists countered with science-intensive responses. However, much of the public likely tunes out these technical messages. Instead, frames of "public accountability" that focus on the misuse of tax dollars, "economic development" that highlight the negative repercussions for communities embroiled in evolution battles, and "social progress" that define evolution as a building block for medical advances, are likely to engage broader support.

The evolution issue also highlights another point: Messages must be positive and respect diversity. As the film Flock of Dodos painfully demonstrates, many scientists not only fail to think strategically about how to communicate on evolution, but belittle and insult others' religious beliefs (8).

On the embryonic stem cell issue, by comparison, patient advocates have delivered a focused message to the public, using "social progress" and "economic competitiveness" frames to argue that the research offers hope for millions of Americans. These messages have helped to drive up public support for funding between 2001 and 2005 (9, 10). However, opponents of increased government funding continue to frame the debate around the moral implications of research, arguing that scientists are "playing God" and destroying human life. Ideology and religion can screen out even dominant positive narratives about science, and reaching some segments of the public will remain a challenge (11).

Some readers may consider our proposals too Orwellian, preferring to safely stick to the facts. Yet scientists must realize that facts will be repeatedly misapplied and twisted in direct proportion to their relevance to the political debate and decision-making. In short, as unnatural as it might feel, in many cases, scientists should strategically avoid emphasizing the technical details of science when trying to defend it.





当初报考大学的时候选了生物系,后来才发现原来此“生物科学与技术系”实乃“技术系”,整日与取样器、离心机、PCR和电泳仪打交道,讨论话题总跳不出实验室的瓶瓶罐罐。于是毅然叛逃,改投生态。后又不知不觉七转八转,经济学、心理学、社会学也都或多或少掺杂其中,以至于自己也不知究竟该称其为何物了。既然不论是人还是E. Coli都还在生物的广义范畴之内,就且把我的工作算作生物学吧。不过虽然名曰研究生物学,其实惭愧得很,上一次在卧龙与鸟类专家Tim一起工作,没事脖子上也挂着个望远镜装模作样地站在山坡上观鸟,其实能认得的大概两只手就数得过来。这算哪门子生物学呢?我想起两个故事。


第二个故事是Martin Nowak在哈佛大学的报告会上讲的:有一天他碰上一个牧羊人赶着一大群羊,他走上去跟牧羊人说:“我要是猜出你有多少只羊,你能给我一只吗?”牧羊人很好奇,于是答应了。Nowak看了一眼羊群,说:“83。”牧羊人很是吃惊,尽管不情愿,也还是让Nowak选了一只羊牵走。Nowak牵着自己选的羊没走出多远,牧羊人就从后面赶了上来。他要反悔?不,他说:“也给我一个机会吧。如果我猜出你是干什么的,你把羊还我行吗?”Nowak也很好奇,于是也答应了。“你是一个数学生物学家(mathematical biologist)。”牧羊人毫不犹豫地说。这回吃惊的轮到Nowak了。“羊可以还给你,但是你得告诉我你是怎么猜出来的。”“瞧,先生,你牵走的是我的狗。”——这也是生物学家呢,哈哈。

