
Thank you, Santa Claus

It is said that a boy who did good in the past year will receive a gift from Santa Claus on the Christmas Eve, and it happens...

I was working in my lab as usual while suffering sore lip, and left for the rest room with my door open for two minutes around noon. A Carmex was sitting on my open book when I returned and no words were left accompanying it. After searching the hallway, it seemed all my colleagues gone somewhere for the holiday...Holiday, oh yeah, it is Christmas Eve today, so has "Santa Claus" come regardless my secular belief? I left my lab this afternoon with a note attached on my door, reading as "Thank you, Santa Claus, for the lip balm!"

We read and enjoyed fairy tales as little kids but abandoned them as growing up. Why do we keep the fairy tale live and pass on from generation to generation if we do not believe it? Yes, we do not expect "the Santa Claus", but instead, we have faith in "Santa Clauses". It is the other-regarding motives inside the deep minds of you and me. Let Homo Economicus go to trash can!

Chapter 08: Hitting the Wall

It is embarrassing that I've just got the news of the Chapter 08 from an American friend. The embarrassment on the other hand reveals another embarrassing fact that the trial has hit the wall again as the destiny we can foresee and the advocates can expect as well. Therefore, it should be taken as a symbolic signal rather than a battle because the seed cannot grow into a tree in sterile soil even though it was the seed of truth. But it could be worthwhile if anybody was awaken by the signal.

A wall can be knocked down only if there are a number large enough to hit it. "Come on, buddy!"





原来梦境并不只是纯粹的幻觉或是“日有所思,夜有所梦”那么简单,而更像是趁理智的力量有所削弱的时机由积蓄的情感发起的反抗。其结果是一种清醒状态下所不能出现的理智与情感达成的新的奇妙平衡,就如同电影中John Nash与幻觉中的伙伴们所保持的关系。我多希望我的世界能够永远定格在那一刻,然而泪水终于将我从梦中唤醒。







中国人说:“龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞。”中国人又说:“龙生九子,子子不同。”这很矛盾。更具“科学精神”的西方人在这个问题上也同样矛盾,nature vs nurture的争论一直未有停歇,即一个人身材高大魁梧或是小巧玲珑,性格粗犷豪放或是小心谨慎,究竟是生而如此,还是后天习得?就神经科学与行为科学共同的研究进展来看,nature vs nurture的论题并不合理,事实应该是nature and nurture,也就是先天因素与后天经历共同作用塑造一个人,而成长过程中较早的敏感期(critical period)又尤为重要。在脑达到最终成熟(大约在青春期结束)之前,不但学习能力较成年之后更为突出(文化遗传),而且脑内发生的外成性(epigenetic)基因表达变化也不可忽视,这一部分并非有意识的认知性学习所得,但会对终生的行为模式造成难以逆转的影响,正是中国人所谓“潜移默化”。




Still too short

Are punishment able to enhance socially beneficial cooperation? Yes, but the costs of punishment outweigh the gains from cooperation, according to recent experimental studies. So is it backfire? No, maybe just not long enough, Gächter et al. argued (1). The contrast between the results of 50-round public goods games and 10-round games showed that punishment that enhances cooperation could be beneficial in the long-run. The underlying reason is that the subjects can learn to evade the punishment gradually. Umm, clear enough, but is it the whole story of the evolution of cooperation? Probably not.

Again and again, some researchers confused the altruistic cooperation with the selfish cooperation. If the fear for punishment is the driving force of cooperation, we should not expect any charity and voluntary donation, but we did. All the economic experiments so far examined the learning process in the behavioral tier, leaving the evolutionary tier untouched. Fear for punishment may explain a trivial part of the cooperation, but the pro-sociality of human (and possibly other non-human animals) owes to the inside pro-social motivation that evolved during a long history that cannot be imitated with the experiment design used currently.

Another doubt is cast on the origin of the irrational motivation of punishment that results in the second-order "free rider" dilemma.

All in all, punishment itself is unlikely to solely enforce the pro-social cooperation.

1. Gachter, S., Renner, E. and Sefton, M., 2008. The Long-Run Benefits of Punishment. Science, 322:1510.


A Lifetime Without Memory

H. M., an Unforgettable Amnesiac, Dies at 82 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com
And for those five decades, he was recognized as the most important patient in the history of brain science. As a participant in hundreds of studies, he helped scientists understand the biology of learning, memory and physical dexterity, as well as the fragile nature of human identity.

Henry Gustav Molaison, born on Feb. 26, 1926, left no survivors. He left a legacy in science that cannot be erased.
Farewell, Mr. H. M.!



我在美国的第一个感恩节,也是我第一次看到旧金山市区夜晚的灯光,虽然只是透过车窗的一瞥。Joan准备了一桌丰盛的晚饭,不过火鸡并不是主角——上个星期Frans de Waal在报告的结尾说"We are social eaters"——吃饭只是为了更好的交谈。我讲一讲中国以及我父辈的中国,Joan也回忆起她年轻时的美国,然后就说起了另一个Joan:Joan Baez,说起她当年站在卡车上一边演唱一边穿越Palo Alto的英姿。于是就翻出她的CD来听,再后来自然是Bob Dylan,Katelin调侃地说CD封面上那个青涩少年看上去只有十五岁。看着Joan, Katelin和David如痴如醉的神情,我可以想象那个属于Joan Baez和Bob Dylan、属于曾经的年轻人的美国,那个曾经一度消失的美国。

Joan说Folk在她们那个年代是美国音乐的主流,而今已经风光不再。这并不仅仅是简单的音乐潮流的更迭,因为Folk的兴起是与民主运动紧紧相连的。Joan Baez, Bob Dylan,包括John Lennon和Peter Seeger等等,都是那个时代民主运动的先锋人物,Joan说美国的黑人运动和越战的结束在很大程度上要归功于这些“艺人”领导的斗争,也许并非夸大其词。对比他们与近二十年的“明星”们,不难发现他们之间的巨大差别:现今的明星们大多拥有更甜美的嗓音、至少是更俏丽的形象,能够带给人更多直接的愉悦感;相比之下,Joan和Bob那一代的艺人在形象上也更加folk,甚至是貌不惊人、音色平平,不过更关键的区别在于他们有勇气自由表达自己的思想,而不仅仅是取悦于人,他们引领着和代表着那一代拥有人文关怀和政治理想的青年。

Joan和Bob早已老去,美国的新青年不再关心政治,也不再关心身边的世界,美国社会整体向右转,这一倾向在学术界这个小圈子里也很明显。无论是人权运动还是环境运动,活跃的仍旧是那些越老越顽强的斗士们,而年轻的faculty们似乎更乐意关紧自己实验室的大门。前些时候刚刚分到诺贝尔奖金的一位华裔科学家说:“我最大的理想就是让更多的年轻人来学生物。”我的一位室友对其崇拜不已,我对此可就不觉得很乐观了。科学家爱“科学”自然不错,至少远好过爱美元,但只爱“科学”似乎还是远远不够的,最近一期的Science上有一篇社论Scientists and Human Rights,呼吁科学家们关注社会,虽然是老调重弹,但有时似乎也确有重弹的必要。原因何在?也许如Robert Putnam所言,是人与人的疏离造成了社会资本的瓦解。谁来扭转这一趋势?




The Tragedy of Modeling

Economics needs a scientific revolution : Article : Nature: "regulation also needs to improve."

Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
Financial engineers have put too much faith in untested axioms and faulty models, says Jean-Philippe Bouchaud. To prevent economic havoc, that needs to change.
Appearing way clearer than Greenspan's allegation, the physicist pointed out one of the key problems: The market trusts the economists who made predictions based on models that were never tested. It could be an interesting game for the kids to build a tower without a plumb, but it sounds not so funny playing with money.


Does Religion Make You Nice?

Does atheism make you mean?

The latest research on the correlation between religion and niceness. - By Paul Bloom - Slate Magazine: "Does Religion Make You Nice?"

Many Americans doubt the morality of atheists. According to a 2007 Gallup poll, a majority of Americans say that they would not vote for an otherwise qualified atheist as president, meaning a nonbeliever would have a harder time getting elected than a Muslim, a homosexual, or a Jew. Many would go further and agree with conservative commentator Laura Schlessinger that morality requires a belief in God—otherwise, all we have is our selfish desires. In The Ten Commandments, she approvingly quotes Dostoyevsky: "Where there is no God, all is permitted." The opposing view, held by a small minority of secularists, such as Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens, is that belief in God makes us worse. As Hitchens puts it, "Religion poisons everything."

Arguments about the merits of religions are often battled out with reference to history, by comparing the sins of theists and atheists. (I see your Crusades and raise you Stalin!) But a more promising approach is to look at empirical research that directly addresses the effects of religion on how people behave.

In a review published in Science last month, psychologists Ara Norenzayan and Azim Shariff discuss several experiments that lean pro-Schlessinger. In one of their own studies, they primed half the participants with a spirituality-themed word jumble (including the words divine and God) and gave the other half the same task with nonspiritual words. Then, they gave all the participants $10 each and told them that they could either keep it or share their cash reward with another (anonymous) subject. Ultimately, the spiritual-jumble group parted with more than twice as much money as the control. Norenzayan and Shariff suggest that this lopsided outcome is the result of an evolutionary imperative to care about one's reputation. If you think about God, you believe someone is watching. This argument is bolstered by other research that they review showing that people are more generous and less likely to cheat when others are around. More surprisingly, people also behave better when exposed to posters with eyes on them.

Maybe, then, religious people are nicer because they believe that they are never alone. If so, you would expect to find the positive influence of religion outside the laboratory. And, indeed, there is evidence within the United States for a correlation between religion and what might broadly be called "niceness." In Gross National Happiness, Arthur Brooks notes that atheists are less charitable than their God-fearing counterparts: They donate less blood, for example, and are less likely to offer change to homeless people on the street. Since giving to charity makes one happy, Brooks speculates that this could be one reason why atheists are so miserable. In a 2004 study, twice as many religious people say that they are very happy with their lives, while the secular are twice as likely to say that they feel like failures.

Since the United States is more religious than other Western countries, this research suggests that Fox talk-show host Sean Hannity was on to something when he asserted that the United States is "the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth." In general, you might expect people in less God-fearing countries to be a lot less kind to one another than Americans are.

It is at this point that the "We need God to be good" case falls apart. Countries worthy of consideration aren't those like North Korea and China, where religion is savagely repressed, but those in which people freely choose atheism. In his new book, Society Without God, Phil Zuckerman looks at the Danes and the Swedes—probably the most godless people on Earth. They don't go to church or pray in the privacy of their own homes; they don't believe in God or heaven or hell. But, by any reasonable standard, they're nice to one another. They have a famously expansive welfare and health care service. They have a strong commitment to social equality. And—even without belief in a God looming over them—they murder and rape one another significantly less frequently than Americans do.

Denmark and Sweden aren't exceptions. A 2005 study by Gregory Paul looking at 18 democracies found that the more atheist societies tended to have relatively low murder and suicide rates and relatively low incidence of abortion and teen pregnancy.

So, this is a puzzle. If you look within the United States, religion seems to make you a better person. Yet atheist societies do very well—better, in many ways, than devout ones.

The first step to solving this conundrum is to unpack the different components of religion. In my own work, I have argued that all humans, even young children, tacitly hold some supernatural beliefs, most notably the dualistic view that bodies and minds are distinct. (Most Americans who describe themselves as atheists, for instance, nonetheless believe that their souls will survive the death of their bodies.) Other aspects of religion vary across cultures and across individuals within cultures. There are factual beliefs, such as the idea that there exists a single god that performs miracles, and moral beliefs, like the conviction that abortion is murder. There are religious practices, such as the sacrament or the lighting of Sabbath candles. And there is the community that a religion brings with it—the people who are part of your church, synagogue, or mosque.

The positive effect of religion in the real world, to my mind, is tied to this last, community component—rather than a belief in constant surveillance by a higher power. Humans are social beings, and we are happier, and better, when connected to others. This is the moral of sociologist Robert Putnam's work on American life. In Bowling Alone, he argues that voluntary association with other people is integral to a fulfilled and productive existence—it makes us "smarter, healthier, safer, richer, and better able to govern a just and stable democracy."

The Danes and the Swedes, despite being godless, have strong communities. In fact, Zuckerman points out that most Danes and Swedes identify themselves as Christian. They get married in church, have their babies baptized, give some of their income to the church, and feel attached to their religious community—they just don't believe in God. Zuckerman suggests that Scandinavian Christians are a lot like American Jews, who are also highly secularized in belief and practice, have strong communal feelings, and tend to be well-behaved.

American atheists, by contrast, are often left out of community life. The studies that Brooks cites in Gross National Happiness, which find that the religious are happier and more generous then the secular, do not define religious and secular in terms of belief. They define it in terms of religious attendance. It is not hard to see how being left out of one of the dominant modes of American togetherness can have a corrosive effect on morality. As P.Z. Myers, the biologist and prominent atheist, puts it, "[S]cattered individuals who are excluded from communities do not receive the benefits of community, nor do they feel willing to contribute to the communities that exclude them."

The sorry state of American atheists, then, may have nothing to do with their lack of religious belief. It may instead be the result of their outsider status within a highly religious country where many of their fellow citizens, including very vocal ones like Schlessinger, find them immoral and unpatriotic. Religion may not poison everything, but it deserves part of the blame for this one.


Say No onto Prop 8

They won the campaign for White House, but they lost the battle to deny Prop 8 in CA. As what Obama said, US is a country of "gay and straight", so no one should be discriminated as a second-class citizen because of his or her sex orientation. The failure proves that there is still a long way towards Liberté, égalité, fraternité, but fortunately, they are at the frontier of the march.

Student Protest at White Plaza, Stanford


Step towards fraternité

04/11/2008, Stanford (c) Albatross

It has taken over two hundred years for the motto Liberté, égalité, fraternité to emerge and struggle to fix into the modern civilization. And today, the history took a remarkable step towards the goal when the first colored president of US made his address before the world, in which he also explicitly mentioned "gay and straight". It remains a myth how the generally pro-social and other-regard moral and emotions evolved, but they might be the unique treasure we homo sapiens are pride of rather than any technical innovations we have created.




不过随阴雨天气一同到来的也不尽是令人扫兴的消息,比如说“高僧”Michael Tomasello就千里迢迢从东边赶来讲经。一同助阵的还有Joan Silk, Carol Dweck, Brian Skyrms, Elizabeth Spelke等一干高手,台下听众的重量级也毫不逊色,比如说今天讨论会上坐在我右手边的就是Robert Seyfarth(此人一进屋我就觉得面熟,直到散了会才想起来是他)。三天的报告会最大特点是多样性,五湖四海、三教九流齐聚,做心理学的、人类学的、生物学的、经济学的、哲学的、政治学的……坐在我左边的居然是英语系的教授!

会议组成虽然复杂,话题倒是十分统一,只是思维方式和分析角度各不相同,争论起来也甚是热闹。核心话题在于人类的社会合作倾向从何而来?笼而统之的答案当然是进化(神创论者基本不会来参加这样“荒谬”的会议),但是更具体的细节就没人能说清楚了,当下主要的争议在于ontogenesis和phelogenesis两条路径的比重究竟各占几成。这一分歧与语言起源的问题基本一致,一派讲天赋论(类比于Chomsky的universal grammar),另一派推习得论(类比于Skinner的operant)。新近的实验性研究结果一般都暗示介于两者之间的每种状态,不过人文学者仍多倾向于前者。人与猩猩在行为上的差别是显而易见的,问题在于这种差别究竟是量的差别还是质的差别,以及造成差别的关键到底在哪里。由于学科传统不同,大家对同一现象的解读方式和标准各不相同,比较倒是好事,美中不足是平衡有一点儿比例失调,基本上是Tomasello的传统心理学行为研究思路所主导,如果能有两个做神经科学的人进来提供一点新的发现和思路来平衡一下就更好了。

会后有人问我感想如何,我说:听Tomasello的报告很是兴奋,不过话说回来,如果我当初去了马普,Joan Roughgarden从美国飞过去做报告,我也会一样兴奋的。总之是远道的和尚会念经。


Cold Shoulder and Warm heart: More than Metaphors

We use metaphors about temperature, e.g. cold shoulder and warm heart, every day even across cultures. However, it seems that the evolution of language is based on solid ground rather than casual invention, recent studies implied.

Chen-Bo Zhong, G.J.L., 2008. Cold and Lonely: Does Social Exclusion Literally Feel Cold? Psychological Science, 19:838-842.
Metaphors such as icy stare depict social exclusion using cold-related concepts; they are not to be taken literally and certainly do not imply reduced temperature. Two experiments, however, revealed that social exclusion literally feels cold. Experiment 1 found that participants who recalled a social exclusion experience gave lower estimates of room temperature than did participants who recalled an inclusion experience. In Experiment 2, social exclusion was directly induced through an on-line virtual interaction, and participants who were excluded reported greater desire for warm food and drink than did participants who were included. These findings are consistent with the embodied view of cognition and support the notion that social perception involves physical and perceptual content. The psychological experience of coldness not only aids understanding of social interaction, but also is an integral part of the experience of social exclusion.

Williams, L.E. and Bargh, J.A., 2008. Experiencing Physical Warmth Promotes Interpersonal Warmth. Science, 322:606-607.

"Warmth" is the most powerful personality trait in social judgment, and attachment theorists have stressed the importance of warm physical contact with caregivers during infancy for healthy relationships in adulthood. Intriguingly, recent research in humans points to the involvement of the insula in the processing of both physical temperature and interpersonal warmth (trust) information. Accordingly, we hypothesized that experiences of physical warmth (or coldness) would increase feelings of interpersonal warmth (or coldness), without the person's awareness of this influence. In study 1, participants who briefly held a cup of hot (versus iced) coffee judged a target person as having a "warmer" personality (generous, caring); in study 2, participants holding a hot (versus cold) therapeutic pad were more likely to choose a gift for a friend instead of for themselves.

Myth break up

Greenspan Concedes Error on Regulation - NYTimes.com

Alan Greenspan, former Federal Reserve chairman, with John Snow, former Secretary of the Treasury, at a hearing on Capitol Hill on Thursday.
"Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholders’ equity, myself included, are in a state of shocked disbelief."

“Yes, I’ve found a flaw. I don’t know how significant or permanent it is. But I’ve been very distressed by that fact.”

“Were you wrong?” Mr. Waxman asked.

“Partially,” the former Fed chairman reluctantly answered.


The Misused Impact Factor

Can anybody stop the stupid arms competition?
The Misused Impact Factor -- Simons 322 (5899): 165 -- Science

Research papers from all over the world are published in thousands of Science journals every year. The quality of these papers clearly has to be evaluated, not only to determine their accuracy and contribution to fields of research, but also to help make informed decisions about rewarding scientists with funding and appointments to research positions. One measure often used to determine the quality of a paper is the so-called "impact factor" of the journal in which it was published. This citation-based metric is meant to rank scientific journals, but there have been numerous criticisms over the years of its use as a measure of the quality of individual research papers. Still, this misuse persists. Why?

The annual release of newly calculated impact factors has become a big event. Each year, Thomson Reuters extracts the references from more than 9000 journals and calculates the impact factor for each journal by taking the number of citations to articles published by the journal in the previous 2 years and dividing this by the number of articles published by the journal during those same years. The top-ranked journals in biology, for example, have impact factors of 35 to 40 citations per article. Publishers and editors celebrate any increase, whereas a decrease can send them into a huddle to figure out ways to boost their ranking.

Figure 2
This algorithm is not a simple measure of quality, and a major criticism is that the calculation can be manipulated by journals. For example, review articles are more frequently cited than primary research papers, so reviews increase a journal's impact factor. In many journals, the number of reviews has therefore increased dramatically, and in new trendy areas, the number of reviews sometimes approaches that of primary research papers in the field. Many journals now publish commentary-type articles, which are also counted in the numerator. Amazingly, the calculation also includes citations to retracted papers, not to mention articles containing falsified data (not yet retracted) that continue to be cited. The denominator, on the other hand, includes only primary research papers and reviews.

Why does impact factor matter so much to the scientific community, further inflating its importance? Unfortunately, these numbers are increasingly used to assess individual papers, scientists, and institutions. Thus, governments are using bibliometrics based on journal impact factors to rank universities and research institutions. Hiring, faculty-promoting, and grant-awarding committees can use a journal's impact factor as a convenient shortcut to rate a paper without reading it. Such practices compel scientists to submit their papers to journals at the top of the impact factor ladder, circulating progressively through journals further down the rungs when they are rejected. This not only wastes time for editors and those who peer-review the papers, but it is discouraging for scientists, regardless of the stage of their career.

Fortunately, some new practices are being attempted. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is now innovating their evaluating practices by considering only a subset of publications chosen by a scientist for the review board to evaluate carefully. More institutions should determine quality in this manner.

At the same time, some publishers are exploring new practices. For instance, PLoS One, one of the journals published by the Public Library of Science, evaluates papers only for technical accuracy and not subjectively for their potential impact on a field. The European Molecular Biology Organization is also rethinking its publication activities, with the goal of providing a means to publish peer-reviewed scientific data without the demotivating practices that scientists often encounter today.

There are no numerical shortcuts for evaluating research quality. What counts is the quality of a scientist's work wherever it is published. That quality is ultimately judged by scientists, raising the issue of the process by which scientists review each others' research. However, unless publishers, scientists, and institutions make serious efforts to change how the impact of each individual scientist's work is determined, the scientific community will be doomed to live by the numerically driven motto, "survival by your impact factors."


Kai Simons is president of the European Life Scientist Organization and is at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany.


Old wine in new bottles: Two pieces about 'Science'

The Scientist : What Makes Science 'Science'? [2008-10-01]

By James Williams

Here are some of the data from the 74 graduates that I've surveyed to date:

• 76% equated a fact with 'truth' and 'proven'

• 23% defined a theory as 'unproven ideas' with less than half (47%) recognizing a theory as a well evidenced exposition of a natural phenomenon

• 34% defined a law as a rule not to be broken, and forty-one percent defined it as an idea that science fully supports.

What makes me feel embarrassed is that I found difficult to make the definitions by myself.

The Scientist : Why the Philosophy of Science Matters [2008-10-01]

By Richard Gallagher
You might expect that newly minted science graduatesᅠ-ᅠwho presumably think of themselves as scientists, and who I'd thought of as scientistsᅠ-ᅠwould have a well-developed sense of what science is. So it's pretty shocking to discover that a large proportion of them don't have a clue.
Please pay attention to the comment following the article on the site.

Capitalism in trouble

Name that economy - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

We don't just need to recapitalize the banks. We need to reconceptualize capitalism.

At the beginning of the century, when the United States briefly contemplated the prospect of paying off its national debt, Alan Greenspan raised an unexpected concern. A government surplus would end up being invested in private assets, which would violate free-market principle and could deliver socialism through the back door.

Greenspan smothered that dangerous surplus in its crib by endorsing the Bush tax cuts, but his benign view of derivatives and his nonchalance about the unregulated "shadow banking system" helped bring about the outcome he feared anyhow. Authorizing the Treasury Department to take stakes in financial firms is merely the Paulson plan's most dramatic departure from textbook capitalism. The legislation—which the Senate had enough sense of irony to attach to a mental health bill—implicitly recognizes that major financial institutions have become too interwoven with the global economy to be allowed to fail.

What should we call the economic model emerging from this crisis of capitalism? Despite the collectivization of losses and risk, it doesn't qualify as even reluctant socialism. Government ownership of private assets is being presented as a last-ditch expedient, not a policy goal. Yet it's inaccurate to describe our economy, either pre- or post-Paulson, as simply laissez faire. A system in which government must frequently intervene to protect the world from the results of private financial misjudgment is modified capitalism—part invisible hand, part helping hand. This leaves us with a pressing problem of both conceptualization and nomenclature.




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Paparazzi in the woods

Camera traps hidden in the woods are making animals angry. - By Etienne Benson - Slate Magazine
Camera traps are designed to capture images of wild animals, and in recent years their use by hunters and wildlife biologists has been increasing exponentially. According to one study, there has been a 50 percent increase in the number of scientific papers involving data from camera traps every year for the past decade; at any given time, there may be about 10,000 deployed in research projects. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Exact figures are hard to come by, but industry sources say that as many as 300,000 are sold every year, mostly to hunters.
However, how about the attitude of the wildlife towards the paparazzi? According to Benson, the cameras may be hurting the animals they're used to study—and they may be affecting humans, too.

See below a footage of a rare Javan rhino attacking a video camera trap posted by WWF.

Was it angry or just curious? One or another, neither appears serious. The impact of the camera is sure to be much less than the radio tags and collars at least, not too mention the poachers and the changing climate. Anyway, trade-off is always inevitable.

What concerns us most is not the animals' feelings but our imagination of wilderness. It is true that the wilderness is no longer so wild with the surveillance of secret cameras, but does the wilderness ever exist in the modern times?
Still, as we expand the culture of surveillance into nature's last redoubts, it might be worth keeping some of Murie's concerns in mind: namely, that the means we use to promote biodiversity can undermine our purposes and that a technology that's right for one place isn't necessarily right for all places. Wilderness activists of the last century believed it was crucial to maintain a few places where one could hike for days without encountering cars or roads. This wasn't because they hated automobiles—after all, it was cars that made wilderness areas widely accessible for the first time—but because they believed that certain valuable experiences could be had only in their absence. Wilderness activists of this century would do well to consider whether it's worth having a few places where you'll never find a surveillance camera strapped to a nearby tree.
It is upon to human nature, not nature itself.




























别忘了,“泽克民族”是不能自我繁殖的,他们并不是出生在高墙之内。也就是说,外面的世界并不安全,那里充满了监视、告密和逮捕。奥威尔曾经天才似的想象出了无处不在的电屏,但是这其实完全没有必要,其实摧毁一个社会最为有效的方法恰恰是最为原始的方式——告密。禁止一个人讲话并不需要捏紧他的嘴,只要让他失去值得信任的听众就够了。儿子揭发父亲,夫妻互相监视……一旦人与人之间的信任纽带被斩断,以人性为基础的社会自然会发生雪崩式的坍塌——还记得《别人的生活》的主演Ulrich Mühe吗?他的妻子在现实中就是Stasi的秘密线人,多年来一直监视着丈夫的言行。我党在反右、四清和文革过程中不也一直在采用同样的策略吗?划清界限,把人类的一切情感统统清扫出去,只留下憎恨。如Igor Shafarevich所指出,消灭人性是Socialism的必经之路,有谁能举出反例吗?



























公道地讲,相比于从前的严打作风,最近两起事件的处理过程在透明度以及合理性上都已经有所进步,至少没有完全对公共舆论充耳不闻。对于国人来说,这样的处理结果似乎已经做到了“面子上过得去”,不过在这一点上也带有显著的中国特色:比如说由上级大员出马将下级官员拿下,不但纾解了民怨,还彰显了中央领导们的明察秋毫英明神武。而这也正吻合了民众对政府形象的想象和期望——北京鸭将这一现象总结为:Local CCP Bad, Central CCP Good,即地方官员都是腐败分子,党中央还是爱民如子的,只是下边的“坏蛋”欺瞒中央而已。根据我个人这两年来在各地的工作经验,这样的想法在民众中是相当普遍的,特别是在经济文化相对落后的地区更是如此。
















Viktor Navorski先生,来自虚构的战乱中东欧小国Krakozhia,而后又不幸沦为无国籍难民,空降山姆大叔门前,举目无亲,几乎身无分文,英文表达能力基本上除了yes和no之外就只有Jazz。

Frank Dixon先生,本土精英,肯尼迪国际机场的新任国王,生杀大权在握,手下“奴隶”无数,只需坐在办公室晃一晃遥控器和步话机,一切尽在掌握。



"Passion -- that is the foundation of this country."这是Dixon的老上司教育Dixon的话,可惜他似乎丝毫没有理解其中的深意,直到目送对手远去,也许他都没有明白自己为什么会失败。他无法想象一向胆小怕事为了逃避牢狱之灾而隐姓埋名23年的印度老头会有勇气抄起拖把“劫机”;更无法相信他的“奴隶”竟会集体叛变。“难道他们不怕扣工钱、炒鱿鱼甚至坐班房?难道这世界上真有人甘愿为别人而自我牺牲?”

“无论人们会认为某人怎样自私,这个人的天赋中总是明显地存在着这样一些本性,这些本性使他关心别人的命运,把别人的幸福看成是自己的事情,虽然他除了看到别人幸福而感到高兴以外,一无所得。这种本性就是怜悯或同情,就是当我们 看到或逼真地想象到他人的不幸遭遇时所产生的感情。”


















新华社贵州瓮安6月29日电 28日下午,我党领导下的革命群众在贵州省瓮安县城成功发起了一起围攻反动政府衙门的暴动。








查看待售书目 (随时增补更新)




事实恰恰相反。社会道德并不依赖于法律而存在,强制性地提高道德要求只能造成道德的退化。这是因为我们之所以愿意把个人的道德水平提高到高于法律规定的水平,是因为我们可以从中感到快乐,即助人为乐是也。而一旦法律把我们原本无私的行为也降低到义务水平,原本的自豪感便荡然无存了(这个现象叫做crowd out)。而且法律对于道德的监督又是难以严格执行的,因为在大多数情况下,道德是无法客观评价的,其结果必然是道德在法律外衣的掩护下退化。苏联、中国和柬埔寨的大清洗时期都执行极端严格的法律,同时也导致了道德的彻底沦丧。


Good policies and constitutions are those that support socially valued ends not only by harnessing selfish preferences to public ends but also by evoking, cultivating, and empowering public-spirited motives (Bowles 2008).
Bowles S. Policies designed for self-interested citizens may undermine "the moral sentiments": Evidence from economic experiments. Science, 2008, 320: 1605-1609.






一个人在生理上的成长大约总不过二十岁,而在心智上的成长却能够随着生命不断延伸,甚至超越生命的限制。然而心智成长的轨迹也远比生理成长远为复杂难料。尚未识字的幼童便可预见自己二十岁的身高,误差总不过是170或是180而已。而不过三年前我绝无法预测自己今天的思想,就像前些天同朋友们看电影时忽然意识到自己在大学四年里竟然从为911欢呼转而为平安祈祷。不知道如果当年没有邂逅茨威格这段成长的轨迹又当如何重写,同样,如果在刚刚过去的三年里没有相继邂逅Sigmund, Nowak, Gintis, Henrich, Ostrom, Milinski, Fehr, Roughgarden, ... 现在自己又当身在何处?

在这一连串的偶然际遇之中,我最为感激和珍视的是与Tim Moermond先生的相逢。实话说,Tim先生带给我的学术上的指导并不很多,而我从他那里得到的道德上的布施却是终生受用不尽的。实用主义的现身说法曾反复教育我,人都是现实而近乎理性的,要生存就要放弃幼稚的梦想,而幸福只能是建立于财富与权力的宝座之上。我虽然不愿相信这个故事,却又苦于无从反驳,耶稣、孔子和甘地的故事都是那么遥不可及,纵使头顶繁星闪烁,自己终究不过是一个两足行走的肉胎凡人而已——转变,直到Tim的出现。在一次又一次用自己二十多岁的固执世故的思维去质疑他六十岁的天真纯良的愿望之后,最终我终于理解了爱因斯坦对于甘地的描述:“后来人不会相信,这世上曾有这样一个人走过。”我相信!


Life is not happy, but you can live a happy life.



If you say that you can't, then I shall reply,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
Oh, Let me know that at least you will try,
Or you'll never be a true love of mine.

Love imposes impossible tasks,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
But none more than any heart would ask,
I must know you're a true love of mine.











One indication of a good professor is their willingness to respond to applicants' inquiries.
这是UC Davis的GGE(生态学学生组)提供的申请指南上的一句话,可作万用灵药——凡不回信者,皆非善类,弃之不足惜——阿Q精神世界通用。所以一旦看好了那个教授,只管“妹妹你大胆地往前走”就是了。不过话又说回来,谁也没有回信的义务,如果大家都不回信,还是先检讨一下自己的Email质量为好。另外既然有时间套磁,不如多聊一点儿学术,别把自己当民工卖了。

















Education to Protect Humanity

Science 30 May 2008:
Vol. 320. no. 5880, p. 1133
DOI: 10.1126/science.1160201


by David Hamburg

Figure 1
After millennia of mass exterminations, genocides such as those in Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur continue to plague the world. Given today's ready access to lethal weapons and technology-assisted incitements to hatred, the plague is poised to spread. How can we reverse this potential for malignant growth?

For decades, biological and behavioral sciences have explored factors in human conflict. But explicit focus on the prevention of mass violence, especially genocide, has lagged behind until recently. A finding of practical significance is that genocide-prone behavior can be foreseen years in advance, and this period of time could be used for prevention by applying pertinent knowledge and skills, mostly of recent origin.

Figure 2
Studies by international collaborators, mainly social scientists and policy analysts in universities, the United Nations, and several commissions, clarify what various organizations and institutions can do to build "pillars of prevention" that can greatly reduce the risk of genocide and other mass violence. These pillars include preventive diplomacy (such as efforts by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to resolve conflict in Kenya) and long-term measures, especially democratic governance, equitable socioeconomic development, and constraints on weaponry.*

The pillar of education is vital in this context. Educating societies about hatred and violence is an old story in human history. But there is a better way. For example, decades of research on intergroup contact show how age-appropriate education can help people to live together harmoniously, even across previously adversarial barriers. Such intergroup contact is most effective when imbedded in shared, mutually rewarding activities that are supported by relevant authorities with a mutual aid ethic and seen as a source of benefits for all--so-called superordinate goals. Such goals may enhance intergroup relations within a school or community but also help substantially in preventing mass violence. There is no more vivid example than the recognition by the United States and the Soviet Union that avoiding nuclear war was a superordinate goal that could only be achieved by cooperation. Could global problems of food, water, health, and climate be made superordinate goals for unfriendly groups or states to tackle cooperatively?

Just as lifelong learning in mathematics, science, and technology is essential for the success of a modern economy, so too the teaching of pro-social behavior across the life-span can help to prevent immense destruction. This involves explicit information and hands-on experience with conflict resolution, violence prevention, mutual accommodation between groups, and conditions conducive to peaceful living. Evaluations of programs that emphasize pro-social behavior have identified methods that effectively teach children in these areas. Both science education and peace education require periodic updating and reinforcement on a long-term basis, and curriculum reforms cannot afford to neglect the latter as a vital component of modern education.

Schools, universities, academies, and international organizations can work together to develop and disseminate curricular material to overcome ethnocentrism, prejudice, and predisposition to violent pseudo-solutions. Good examples of such collaboration are the InterAcademy Panel and InterAcademy Council. These multinational organizations of science academies were created to mobilize the scientific community on a worldwide basis to address global needs and opportunities by advising national governments and international bodies, including the United Nations and the World Bank. It is vital to understand throughout the world the nature of human diversity and the fact of our common humanity.

These efforts are highly interdisciplinary and international, linking research with policy. They require international centers of knowledge and skill in prevention to identify warning signals and prepare appropriate responses well before a genocide begins. Such centers are now getting under way in the United Nations and the European Union, and they must be maintained.





Harvard的Shelley Carson的实验恰好说明了这一问题:

Memory Older Brain Really May Be a Wiser Brain


对于老人的这种优势,密歇根大学的Jacqui Smith给了一个简洁的定义:Wisdom,即智慧。




























The Genial Gene


The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness

显然,从书名就可以判断这是针对Dawkins的The Selfish Gene而来的。内容上其实可以算是Evolution's Rainbow的专业加强版。








An address with great wisdom

Obama gave the address at Philadelphia, March 18. Tim talked of it several times and praised it as talking at a higher level. After listening to him by myself, I found that it is the best political speech I have ever heard. And we need wisdom at the same level to build a "more perfect China".

Anti-fake-news, yes; boycott Carrefour, no!

Recently, some youngsters have been very active in the name of patriotism, from anti-CNN to the boycott of Carrefour. However, it is necessary to point out the distinction between them, or more precisely, between punishment for public goods and retaliation for self-interest.

I support anti-CNN for the reason that any media who claimed to report truth, nothing but truth, should never break the rule. Those who are producing fake news are not only irresponsible for the abused victims, but also demolishing the trustworthiness of media. As de Tocqueville remarked, the newspaper is a critical part of a large-size democratic society. But now, it is so disappointing and upsetting to hear that "in such situations, no one can trust any news anymore" (A German researcher told me in email). Please note that it is not only the western media are to be blamed, but a number of Chinese media are doing nothing better. Hence, if any positive international respondence is expected, anti-CNN should go beyond the limit of patriotism, with the new name anti-fake-news rather than anti-CNN.

On the contrary, I could see nothing but retaliation in the boycott of Carrefour and what can be expected as reciprocation in the long run is probably also retaliation. That means the boycott can only get things worse and worse. Please remember: Liberty, equality and fraternity are justified values for human society, but patriotism is not.

Fortunately, the situation is not so terrible as it seems on the internet. I did some shopping in Carrefour on purpose and found nothing unusual. It is perhaps because the patriots are used to being much more active on the virtual web than in the real life. That's good news.


Winners don't punish

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Matthew 5:38-42, NIV

周末在礼堂看了《甘地传》,三个小时的片子,稀稀拉拉十几个人,看完了呆坐在椅子上好半天。脑子里一个问题在回响:“Winners don't punish, but why?”

Winners don't punish


作恶之人有何惩罚不得?Gandhi有一句名言:“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."我想它就是来自于《马太福音》中的那一段话,虽然他是一个印度教信徒。这世上真正的执意作恶之人并不多,所犯错事多半属无意之举或是不得已而为之,对此类行为如缺乏宽容之心而严加处罚,往往会触发报复心理并使之蒙蔽心智。世间之绵绵战乱纷争大多起于此,如家族之世仇、民族之矛盾、国家之冲突、宗教之纠葛。
















China’s Loyal Youth


MANY sympathetic Westerners view Chinese society along the lines of what they saw in the waning days of the Soviet Union: a repressive government backed by old hard-liners losing its grip to a new generation of well-educated, liberal-leaning sophisticates. As pleasant as this outlook may be, it’s naïve. Educated young Chinese, far from being embarrassed or upset by their government’s human-rights record, rank among the most patriotic, establishment-supporting people you’ll meet...









老天爷确实是不公平的,但是我们希望并且也许能够让世界变得更公平一点儿。我这一点杯水车薪的钱不是出于怜悯,我也没资格怜悯别人,只是感谢Roseven曾经带来的幽默,算是一点儿回报吧。前两天Elinor Ostrom老太太给我写了封Email,吓我一大跳,这里就借她老人家一本书的名字,我相信这个世界是靠“Trust and Reciprocity”维持的。





其次操蛋的就是这医疗水平。咱飞船都要到月球了,这到骨髓的药还没有。病情简单纯粹得让人没有一点盼头,大哥,你说你给我判个无期也行呀,动不动 就给人判死刑,完全不管人家受得了受不了。干脆一刀捅死我算了,好么?净推荐什么几万块钱的外国药,还治不了你的病,顶多让你死得舒服点,要不就是输血, 可是输血也是个治标不治本的法子。好吧好吧好吧,就算我明天要去输血吧,可是明天还是星期天,还得等到星期一大家都上班。

哭到伤心处,想给女朋友打个电话,寻找一点慰藉。拿起电话,一想起天各一方,得,更加伤心了。这电话打还是不打好呢?打吧,人家现在在睡觉,再说 了女生又比较软弱,本来好好的,没事我干嘛告诉她坏消息,惹她伤心?你说不打吧,我这心中苦闷朝谁倾诉,这时候本来最念记的就是女朋友,不打给女朋友打给 谁?被窝里面哭了几场,挣扎了几个来回总算决定打电话。干,结果现在是半夜,她关机了。

莫名其妙想起个烂笑话,大概我是钱德勒每当我不自在我莫名其妙的就开始讲烂笑话。话说有个孩子哇哇大哭,他老爸在一旁不紧不慢的就念叨:坚强点, 俊翔,坚强点,俊翔。旁人听到了就赞叹呀,说你这老爸还真有耐心呀,对了,你家俊翔长得好可爱哦!孩子爹说:我家孩子叫彦太,我才叫俊翔!









Antisocial Punishment Across Societies

There is a very interesting and surprising research article on the latest issue of Science. The behaviors of antisocial punishment, which were rarely considered in studies, were recorded in the public goods games. Are they related with the economical and political background of the different societies. The results said yes. And Herbert Gintis gave a concise perspective.

Science 7 March 2008:
Vol. 319. no. 5868, pp. 1345 - 1346
DOI: 10.1126/science.1155333

Research Articles

Antisocial Punishment Across Societies

Benedikt Herrmann, Christian Thöni, Simon Gächter
We document the widespread existence of antisocial punishment, that is, the sanctioning of people who behave prosocially. Our evidence comes from public goods experiments that we conducted in 16 comparable participant pools around the world. However, there is a huge cross-societal variation. Some participant pools punished the high contributors as much as they punished the low contributors, whereas in others people only punished low contributors. In some participant pools, antisocial punishment was strong enough to remove the cooperation-enhancing effect of punishment. We also show that weak norms of civic cooperation and the weakness of the rule of law in a country are significant predictors of antisocial punishment. Our results show that punishment opportunities are socially beneficial only if complemented by strong social norms of cooperation.

In Gintis, he summarized,

"Herrmann et al. collected data in 15 countries with widely varying levels of economic development. The subjects were university students in all societies. The authors found that antisocial punishment was rare in the most democratic societies and very common otherwise. Indexed to the World Democracy Audit (WDA) evaluation of countries' performance in political rights, civil liberties, press freedom, and corruption, the top six performers among the countries studied were also in the lowest seven for antisocial punishment. These were the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Australia, and Switzerland. The seventh country in the low antisocial punishment group was China, currently among the fastest-growing market economies in the world. The countries with a high level of antisocial punishment and a low score on the WDA evaluation included Oman, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Russia, Turkey, and Belarus.

The most likely explanation is that in more traditional societies, the experimental setup represents a clash of cultures. On the one hand, high payoffs in the experiment require the modern ethic of cooperation with unrelated strangers, so subjects who are reprimanded for low contribution are likely to respond with feelings of guilt and a resolve to be more cooperative in the future. In a more traditional society, many players may hold to the ethic of altruism and sacrifice on behalf on one's family and friends, with indifference toward unrelated strangers. When punished, such subjects are likely to respond with anger rather than guilt. Punishing the high contributors is thus a means of asserting one's personal values, which take precedence over maximizing one's payoff in the game."

Does China's fast-growing market economy predict more and more prosocial civilians? I am not so sure...






次日,"闲来无事",游走于图书馆,觅得一宝--名曰:The Origins of Order,甚喜。翻开首页,一行字横矛立马于当阳桥头

--What are the sources of the overwhelming and beautiful order which graces the living world?




虽说是"铁打的营盘,流水的兵",但the individuals毕竟各不相同,至少在俺眼里,D的离开有着与众不同的影响--He left, leaving a pile of questions:这里适合我吗?我所作出的选择有多少是出于本心呢?我的未来在理想与现实之间该如何选择呢?我是不是应该像个战士那样活着?……


我不喜欢生物吗?不,绝不,不知别人怎样,我这辈子看的(其实开始主要是祖母念给我听的)第一本书是《喧闹的海洋》,一本描写海洋生物的童话故事集(可不是小人书哦,现在不知还有没有这么好的儿童读物了,尽管其实不太合适作为启蒙读物),其中许多故事仍然鲜活……不能再回忆了,我快流泪了。现在想来,如果当初看的是《大众菜谱》,可能我现在已经是个厨子了。反正我从小就对野生动物着迷的不得了,只可惜当时胆子小,不然可能也和Wilson有一拼了。可是,可是,清华的生物系是研究生物的吗?我的梦想是开着吉普车在苏丹大草原上考察野生动物,或者,去考察海洋生物也行,再不行就去荒山上种树,都干不成的话,就去接赵忠祥老师的班,可现在,这叫怎么回事啊?如果要我说,甭叫生物科学与技术系了,干脆改叫"还原论实验基地"。可惜我说话不如Z副院长管用,所以只好改求自身转变,然而,现实的问题要严重得多,似乎没有多少人真正在意"生物",更重要的是分数、paper,the dream is the Nobel Prize,而思想也在这样的过程中禁锢,而后僵化,以至于系内几乎是唯一的"宏观"生物学副教授长年远赴东瀛,而我也经常不知道自己究竟在干什么,或许缪勒那句名言用在清华正合适:"这一百年没有达尔文也是一样。"







但是“选择”的自由是永远不能放弃的。可以没有房,没有车,没有钱,没有权,但是没有人可以剥夺个人选择的自由。中间有几年,我曾经把它忘记了。后来遇到Tim,他给我讲他母亲的故事,他的母亲说:Life is not happy, but you can live a happy life.

从前人们总是讲Where there is a will, there is a way. 可惜我不是一个那么积极上进的人,对“成功”并不总是很有信心,但是至少我始终相信可以选择live a happy life,这就够了。

原来那个喊“60分万岁”的人的ID现在在BBS上也被一些人称为“牛人”,只是他们不知道那个ID背后就是那个喊“60分万岁”的人,而且现在依然是,今后也可能继续是。对他来说,“60分万岁”和“牛人”并没有区别,王侯与寇都是经过选择的happy life。