

-“嗨,新手。” -“你说谁呢?你才是新手呢,你们全家都是新手!”



敢情是老司机指导新手上路呢,我们一车人当陪练。当然,这指导还是蛮有必要的。最近几年北京城里的私家车数量直线上升,好多白领刚领了驾照就到马路上实战演习来了,半路熄火的,违章并线的,在四环路上练刹车的, 十有八九都是这些不怕虎的初生牛犊,于是本来就不堪重负的交通自然就更是雪上加霜了。



















搜索栏里输入的是“Robert May, Theoretical Ecology”:凭借混沌模型而稳坐生态学界头把交椅的Robert May先生(现在得叫May爵爷了,当初还跟远在上海的朋友发短信探讨为啥May封的是Lord,而曼联的红鼻头老帅Fugerson封了个Sir)主编的这本书与1976年一面世便注定成为理论生态学领域的“新约”(至于旧约的位置自然属于Pielou夫人的An Introduction to Mathematical Ecology)。我看过1981年的第二版,两者之间虽然只相差四年,内容却也有不少重要的更新和补充。但不知为何,从此以后再无任何关于新版的消息,而只要May爵爷不发话,自然是没人有资格站出来主持新版的编著。此间虽然也出过像J. Murray写的Mathematical Biology一类的精彩之作,但依旧无法让人彻底放弃对署有R.M. May大名的第三版Theoretical Ecology的盼望。

然而工作繁忙,对理论的热情也只能暂且放在一旁,日子久了似乎也就渐渐忘却了。万万没有想到,那一刻在牛津大学出版社网页上出现的Theoretical Ecology的出版日期竟是2007年4月……我的老天!新版!真的是不敢相信自己的眼睛了。想象一下吧,时隔三十年,昔日武林霸主重出江湖,将会掀起怎样一场血雨腥风?鉴于学科的巨大变化,真的很难预测第三版的目录会是什么样子,我想上面大多数作者的名字也要更新换代了,不过只要封面上还写着R.M. May的大名,质量就终归是毋庸置疑的。

正是无巧不成书,当晚在Science上看到一片书评,心不在焉地扫了两眼摘要,另一个名字猛然跳了出来:Martin Nowak。两年以前我第一次留意到这个口音酷似现任加州州长(Nowak在报告会上自讽)的“年轻”的奥地利人,仅仅在读过他的几篇关于社会合作进化的文章以及他跟May爵爷合写的Virus Dynamics之后,就已经被他的智慧所惊呆了,同时也立刻意识到,此人极有可能成为继三个约翰(冯诺伊曼,梅纳德斯密斯和纳什),Robert McArthur, Robert May和Simon Levin之后又一个伟大的智者,甚至是更加耀眼的巨星 。当时在他的主页上挂着一本尚未完成的书稿的名字:Evolutionary Dynamics,然而迟迟未见动静。想不到竟在同一天发现他的书也已经完成了,实在是太过巧合,简直是神奇。从HIV到人类语言,Nowak一直在用最为简洁和连贯的数学形式解释整个生物世界万千现象的进化历程,精彩实在已经不足加以形容,而只能冠以漂亮二字,不知是不是在音乐之都长大的人都有莫扎特一般的艺术才华,反正Nowak写出来的文章真的可以算作杰出的艺术品了。如果自然果真如毕达哥拉斯所设想的那样以整数之美为基础,那么Nowak大约已经距离真理不远了。Nature上的书评是这样开头的:Martin Nowak is undeniably a great artist, working in the medium of mathematical biology. He may be a great scientist as well: time will tell, and readers of this book can form their own preliminary judgement. 我更愿意做一点儿小小的改动:He must be a great scientist as well: time will prove. 当年我从生物系出走,最主要的原因就是觉得这个领域由于缺少一个真正的理论大师而陷于枯燥和平庸,也许,Nowak就是带来火种的人。这是我的预言。








Swissinfo,2006年12月15日消息:“瑞士动物学家August Pfluger和他的合作伙伴在为期6周对3300公里段长江的考察过程中,未能找到一只白暨豚的踪迹。”随后在2006年终一期的Science上,这一报道被正式公布出来。












Monster Bunnies For North Korea

By David Crossland

An east German pensioner who breeds rabbits the size of dogs has been asked by North Korea to help set up a big bunny farm to alleviate food shortages in the communist country. Now journalists and rabbit gourmets from around the world are thumping at his door.




Gambling on the Commons

From Hardin to Ostrom, the clouds of the tragedy of the commons always are suspended over the fate of human beings. Conservation versus development, elite versus the poor, haves versus have-nots, meritocracy versus anarchy... Which is good? Which is better? Which is, in the end, the best? There is no way to define "good" but trade-offs after trade-offs.

What we know is that people must live, so does the next generation.

A lone Brazil nut tree remains in a deforested area of the Amazon, which loses an area the size of New Jersey to clear-cutting and timbering every year.

Brazil Gambles on Monitoring of Amazon Loggers - New York Times
Published: January 14, 2007

REALIDADE, Brazil — A Brazilian government plan set to go into effect this year will bring large-scale logging deep into the heart of the Amazon rain forest for the first time, in a calculated gamble that new monitoring efforts can offset any danger of increased devastation.

The government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in an attempt to create Brazil’s first coherent, effective forest policy, is to begin auctioning off timber rights to large tracts of the rain forest. The winning bidders will not have title to the land or the right to exploit resources other than timber, and the government says they will be closely monitored and will pay a royalty on their activities.
But how to monitor? And further more, what about the rural poor?

“To think that they can monitor violations in the absence of the state is a dream,” Sister Paes said. “The Amazon has no tradition of the poor standing up to the powerful. People simply don’t know how to do that.”

It's indeed a luxury gamble, with the future as the stake. If they lose, it's not they that lose the game, but us, because it's our Amazon.








再往下争议就更大了:电脑病毒算不算生命?在Karl Sigmund写的"Games of Life"的一开始就讨论了这个问题。听说过Life这个在七十年代风行于全世界各实验室的电脑游戏吗?其实说开了就是最简单的原胞自动机模型,别看简单,就几个小方格,一两条规则,一旦运行起来就变化无穷,难以预测,弄得实验员都整天盯着电脑屏幕发愣,气得老板们火冒三丈。这小家伙的奇妙之处就在于“能自我复制,并且能自发变异”,所以,我不能因为它个头小就把它关在门外。相比之下,现今在互联网上流窜肆虐的电脑病毒可要比它们的老祖先Life复杂多了,不过探究起来,它们的生存关键还是祖上传下来的那两件老手艺:复制,变异。所以,电脑病毒当然也算是生命。

在大胆地往前迈一步,思想能不能也算生命?昨天达尔文提出一进化论,后边的人就学了来发展演绎,繁衍变化出一大堆相关理论;今天我出一馊主意,经好事者道听途说、以讹传讹,说不定就发展成了歪理邪说。Dawkins拿无形的思想跟有形的基因类比,给取了个名字叫meme,它也能像基因一样以人为载体复制传播,并在此过程中不断变异,所以 -- 依此标准,思想也该算生命。Martin Nowak就在用生物进化论的方法研究语言的进化,很有意思。



Core-Crust Society of China

The new year, 2007, came in, not waiting for the dusts to settle in the scandal of Shanghai's social insurance funds. And the argument on the plan of pension, which has only covered less than one eighth of the population of China, is going fiercely without any sign to converge to a conclusion. While just five days earlier, on the other side of the Pacific, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, proposed extending health care coverage to all of California’s 36 million residents. If I had laughed at him as a brainless muscular robot before, I 'd now take it back. The contrast between the largest Socialistic nation and the largest Capitalistic nation reminds me of an essay in the German best-seller "World War for Wealth: The Global Grab for Power and Prosperity". So, I decide to excerpt part of it here as an alert.

  • "When it comes to redistributing power and wealth, the state plays an important -- one could argue a decisive -- role. In the West, governments ensure that the most productive members of the economy help the whole of society. Companies keep most of the profits. But not all.

    The result is beneficial to everyone, and not just to those directly involved in producing wealth. The social welfare state facilitates the transfer of money from the sphere of production to those sectors of society where no wealth is produced, only consumed. Wealth created in society's economically productive core thus reaches those people on the perimeter not directly involved in a country's economic activity. Take pensioners as an example. They were once part of the productive core, but now are not -- they have meandered from the hot core to the cold crust. The money these retirees need to survive is now earned by those working today.

    This linking of the working world with those who have already retired is called a generational contract. It is a system characteristic of most countries in the West where the core and the crust are connected.

    Children are also on the non-productive fringes of society, though they are moving in the opposite direction of the pensioners. Eventually, children will enter the society's economic core and will begin to make their contribution to the production of wealth.

    It is important to understand the role of the Western state in all this: The state ensures that the productive sphere is linked to the unproductive sphere -- that capitalism and the welfare state work together. It is a cooperation that reaches back as far as 100 years in some instances and has developed into a number of stable pacts known as the social safety net. It is a system that cannot be canceled -- indeed it is one of the inalienable characteristics of Western economic systems."

  • "In Germany, the obligation to redistribute wealth is explicitly stated in the constitution. It stipulates that society must use energy created at the productive center to warm those who might otherwise be freezing at the margins.

    In China, the state has another function entirely: It acts as a firewall between society's center and those at the fringes in order to ensure that nothing from the boiling core is ever allowed to cool at the outer edges. The retreat of state-controlled industry meant bidding farewell to the social net -- a notion Karl Marx would have despised.

    Life-long employment contracts were replaced with temporary contracts, and firing workers became a possibility. If employees refused to buy the apartments their companies had provided for them, they were simply forced out. In the private sector, social welfare was ignored right from the outset. It was left up to the family -- or nobody at all -- to take on the social responsibility the government and companies had abandoned. Since then the state has stood ready to defend the separation of the haves from the have-nots with force. And the China of today is home to the ugliest labor market practices in the world."
  • "The Chinese communists are making no secret of their shift in mentality. The constitution has even been amended -- a message to everyone that this is no reform, but a revolution. Until March 2004, the state had been responsible for the "guidance, control and regulation" of the private sector. The state was the big brother that disciplined and badgered private companies -- it carried the carrots and sticks. The new constitution has, for the first time, declared private property to be a private matter.

    Property is now defined as inviolable. Even inheritance will be protected in China in the future. Article 11 of the recently approved constitution even calls on the state to serve the private sector and to provide "encouragement and support" to the capitalists. The redistribution of privately earned wealth for the good of society, as the German constitution stipulates, is thus transformed into a state responsibility for protecting the private sphere. Capitalists are the new ruling class and property in China is now bestowed with more rights than the people. Indeed, no other country in the world courts its entrepreneurs to the extent that China does."
  • "The contrast with the West couldn't be greater. Whereas European workers are increasingly landing in early retirement programs, in work-creation schemes, or on the dole, Asia is heading in the opposite direction. New employees are constantly being brought into the production process -- albeit under the brutal work conditions dictated by the system. The non-existing social state thus fulfils a further function. It not only keeps the inner-core of the economy from wasting energy by heating the fringes, it also brings extra manpower into the system. Because of the lack of social welfare, these workers have no choice but to offer their services at any price.

    Company's profits come from the difference between the starvation wages earned by employees and the money made from sales. This is what fuels the steadily increasing temperature at the center of the Chinese, Indian and many other Asian economies. The massive amount of manpower available means that labor costs will remain as cheap as they currently are for the foreseeable future. Each year, millions of people in China alone leave the countryside in order to serve the country's industry. They live in cramped quarters, share beds with one or two other workers and make do with wages as low as a few cents an hour. And there are an estimated 175 million unemployed people in China and 100 million unemployed people in India who can still be utilized. And that's not even to mention the 375 million people still tilling the land in each of the two countries who are just waiting to get their chance in the city. This manpower reserve alone is larger than the entire working population of the United States and Europe combined.

    It is important to understand the difference between a state on the march and a society on the wane: The unemployed don't have the same significance in every part of the world. In the West, the unemployed signify the past and are a burden to the state because they cost money. Those out of work in China, on the other hand, are the energy reserve of the future -- and are useful to the economy because their presence helps keep wages down for those who do have jobs. They ensure that the Chinese workers who are already employed stay cheap and cheerful.

    The strategy of the Asian leaders is both brutal and clever. Brutal, because governments are now excluding millions of their fellow citizens from growing prosperity. Many people in the countryside, in particular in the north of the country, see a China on television that has little to do with their daily lives. But the strategy is also clever because it allows the state to jealously guard its core growth. The result could very well be an export industry of proportions terrifying to the rest of the world."

I'm not sure about the future of my motherland. However, though a utopia is not realizable definitely, I hope for a better one than the present, in which even the crust could be warmed.


随手翻阅近几天各大媒体的头版:布什,布什,布什,布什……要从这堆bushes中检出一条干净的新闻来还真是得有好眼力才行 。

若说如今娱乐业的小人物为了出名不择手段倒还好理解,可是这种行为放到当今世界第一帝国的总统身上,就实在是匪夷所思了。从前看过一部电影,名字叫“Jesus Christ: Superstar",莫非小布什这回是想跟他们教主较量一把?






民主党人John Kerry在上一次竞选时曾经攻击布什:"George W. Bush, W means Wrong!" 嘿,还真被这老兵哥给说中了。


My time with Tim (V): I believe I can fly

Someone enjoys his life in cage, while some guy belongs to the sky. Out of doubt, Tim is of the latter (though he is not a Superman). He is more akin to an albatross than me, but as to his bald head, I'd rather call him a griffon, just the giant we saw hovering over the mountain.

Wherever he is, on the peak of a mountain with gale blowing, or in a crowded car in a dusty metropolis, his eyes are always focusing on the sky. Birds play a crucial role in his life, not only in his eyes, but in his heart. Or, say, where old Tim is, there are birds with him.

One day After returning to Beijing, our little team went to a restaurant for dinner with Tim in his red overcoat, which was taken over from his father and said to be about 50 years old -- double my age! It appeared really too old so that when it was taken off, downs left on his business suit inside. We kidded, "Oh, Tim, look! You have grown feather." Tim looked and replied, "Oh, yes. But not enough (to fly)."

Later, Tim added, "It's also OK, if some feather large enough." With a second of hesitation, "But it doesn't matter. Eventually, I'll be able to fly, in the heaven. If you want to see, then you have to fly there too."

One can fly, because he believes so.


Squirrels: The Prophet

The nature is too fantastic to imagine. Among the miracles, "boom and bust" is one of the most fascinating, referring to the famous "lynx and hare" and powder beetle.

However, when we human beings are having a headache to predict future with great uncertainty, our little neighbors, the red squirrels, exhibit a wonderful foresight. Have they learned the Votka-Volterra equation?

If so, the teacher must be no one but the great Evolution. How did he get it?

Read the research story and amazing discovery in Science Magazine:

Anticipatory Reproduction and Population Growth in Seed Predators -- Boutin et al. 314 (5807): 1928 -- Science: " Mast seeding, the intermittent, synchronous production of large seed crops by a population of plants, is a well-known example of resource pulses that create lagged responses in successive trophic levels of ecological communities. These lags arise because seed predators are thought capable of increasing reproduction and population size only after the resource pulse is available for consumption. The resulting satiation of predators is a widely cited explanation for the evolution of masting. Our study shows that both American and Eurasian tree squirrels anticipate resource pulses and increase reproductive output before a masting event, thereby increasing population size in synchrony with the resource pulse and eliminating the population lag thought to be universal in resource pulse systems."















答案,就在卡斯特利奥被查禁的文稿里;出路,就在林昭用鲜血写就的诗篇中。能够与对权力的无限欲望向抗衡的, 是自由、平等与博爱的观念;能够从宿命的漩涡中自我救赎的,是对异端的宽容。



重读一下马丁·尼莫拉牧师的墓碑上的碑文吧:“当初他们(德国纳粹)屠杀共产党,我没有作声,因为我不是共产党。后来他们杀犹太人,我没有作声,因为我不 是犹太人。再接下来,他们杀天主教徒,我仍然保持沉默,因为我也不是天主教徒。最后他们开始对付我的时候,已经没有人为我说话了。”













