
'Israel Has a Habit of Closing its Eyes to Hard Facts' -- BOUTROS-GHALI


'Israel Has a Habit of Closing its Eyes to Hard Facts'

The Israeli military strike in Gaza will have "unforeseeable consequences" for the region, warns former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, he discusses the short-sightedness of Israeli politicians, Egypt's role and his muted hopes for peace.
For the foreseeable future, I don't see an era promising happiness. It's true that the curse of the colonial era disappeared half a century ago, and the Cold War is behind us. Millions of people expected a world that was better, more socially just and marked by technological progress. However, the unfortunate result has been that the age-old ills of mankind -- growing social disparity, inflammatory national and religious ideologies, cultures closing themselves off to outsiders -- have once again foiled these hopes. It is a shame that I will surely not live to see the dawning of a truly better world.

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