
Winners don't punish

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Matthew 5:38-42, NIV

周末在礼堂看了《甘地传》,三个小时的片子,稀稀拉拉十几个人,看完了呆坐在椅子上好半天。脑子里一个问题在回响:“Winners don't punish, but why?”

Winners don't punish


作恶之人有何惩罚不得?Gandhi有一句名言:“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."我想它就是来自于《马太福音》中的那一段话,虽然他是一个印度教信徒。这世上真正的执意作恶之人并不多,所犯错事多半属无意之举或是不得已而为之,对此类行为如缺乏宽容之心而严加处罚,往往会触发报复心理并使之蒙蔽心智。世间之绵绵战乱纷争大多起于此,如家族之世仇、民族之矛盾、国家之冲突、宗教之纠葛。





Harrison said...

An eye for an eye 是 tit for tat (defection) 还是 costly punishment? 这篇文章否定的只是costly punishment, 非理性的损人不利己。其中的实验结果显示 tit for tat 似乎还是胜利者的策略之一,以彼之道还治彼身的defection不算punishment, 不算vengeance.

Albatross said...

An eye for an eye is retaliation, not tit for tat. However, in this game, punishment can hardly be distinguished from defection, and I think that is why punishment failed. And please recall that tit for tat never win, but just did better than punishment.
In fact, the point in the game for me is that "turn the other cheek" worked well.

Harrison said...

"c, Defection for defection can sometimes restore cooperation. d, Turning the other cheek can also restore cooperation."
"Winners tend to respond by using D against D, whereas losers use P against D."
"Winners play a tit-for-tat-like strategy2, 4, whereas losers use costly punishment."
上面是作者的原话,paper强调的也是如何应对D,而非P. 这篇日志强调的是应对D还是应对P呢?如果Tit for tat 是D对D,P对P的话,那么D对D似乎还没有那么糟糕,只要别意气用事发展成P就行。
The point in the game for me is that punishment at the cost of one's own benefit could never work well as expected, beacause no man/woman/party is God, who keeps the overwhelming domination.

Albatross said...

I'd like to answer with the same words that "in this game, punishment can hardly be distinguished from defection". In fact, it works like harsh defection as costly signaling. Tit-for-tat is not good, but not worse than others.