
Chapter 08: Hitting the Wall

It is embarrassing that I've just got the news of the Chapter 08 from an American friend. The embarrassment on the other hand reveals another embarrassing fact that the trial has hit the wall again as the destiny we can foresee and the advocates can expect as well. Therefore, it should be taken as a symbolic signal rather than a battle because the seed cannot grow into a tree in sterile soil even though it was the seed of truth. But it could be worthwhile if anybody was awaken by the signal.

A wall can be knocked down only if there are a number large enough to hit it. "Come on, buddy!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw the Charter on Dec.15 via Global Voices.

It's a tragedy when the basic need of human has to be expressed in a form like words, however, what's even more tragic is that the words that expressed the basic need of human had been called "a threat to national security".

Liu Xiaobo is still detained though a petition has been signed, which itself must be a signal.